When are tigers most active in the wild?

There would appear to be two factors which influence when tigers living in the wild are most active: Human activity Prey activity Human activity In a way this behaviour is reminiscent of the leopard. The tiger, in many parts of their range, have become totally nocturnal as a response to human activities. In other words, in areas where the human is active during the daytime, this has put off tigers being active themselves during the daytime and in order to avoid humans they have become nocturnal. It shows that tigers can be both nocturnal and daytime hunters. It also shows us that tigers are wary of people and don't really want to get involved with them. This might surprise some people who think that tigers prey on humans. They don't. The human is not a prey animal for the tiger. Tigers have quite nice dispositions (character). You will find that where tigers attack people it is often because they can no longer attack large prey animals (which they need to attack to survive) bec...