Man-eating Tigers Should Be Captured Not Shot

Surely capturing a tiger that has killed a person or persons is the more humane and reasonable way to deal with this sort of problem. If the tiger kills a person it is probable that the tiger is old or sick or for whatever reason is unable to kill its usual prey. The tiger does not naturally hunt people. So, for example, perhaps a tiger was injured by a person and perhaps people have encroached on a tiger's habitat squeezing the tiger out. There may have been a case of mismanagement of the tiger. This looks ridiculous to me. Tiger forced to be in close proximity to people working in Ranthambhore National Park. For example, a tiger may have been relocated from one reserve to another and he or she finds it difficult to create his own home range. He is forced out onto the borders of a reserve where he encounters people. There are numerous possible scenarios for a tiger to encounter a person under which the tiger is not at fault . As the tiger is not at fault why should he be ...