Tigress protects her young and is extremely cautious and secretive

We know that cats protect their young with courage and aggression if needs must. Tigers are no exception.

Tigresses are very cautious and secretive when they are caring for their cubs. When disturbed they will move the cubs to a new den. Here are two examples from Wild Cats of the World (page 359).

In Ranthambore National Park a tigress hid her cubs near a main road. It was the time of year when the road was used by pilgrims so it had become busy. The tigress threatened the pilgrims and then moved the cubs to a safer location.

Tigress with cubs in captivity
Tigress with her cubs in captivity. Image by nlw143 from Pixabay 

In Chitwan a tigress charged at villagers several times in protecting her 6-week-old cubs. The villagers had approached her den while cutting grass. Eventually the mother moved her cubs out of harm's way. This tigress also attacked a researcher in a tree because he or she got too close to her 4-day old cubs. 

In captivity tigresses spend 70 percent of daylight nursing her young.  At ten days after birth she spends 60 percent of the daylight hours protecting them. This drops to 30 percent when the cubs are 40 days old. Weaning takes place when they are 90-100 days old and at this time, she spends 10 percent of her time with her cubs.

This map shows the location of Ranthambore National Park (use the reduce buttons to see the wider picture):

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