Could a Siberian tiger survive in Alaska?

This is a hypothetical or theoretical question. Certainly, yes, Siberian tigers could easily survive in Alaska in terms of the seasonal temperatures. Alaska appears to be warmer on average than Siberia and Siberian tigers live in Siberia! It is just a question of whether there is sufficient prey animals in Alaska. And I think the second point is the one which would make it difficult for a Siberian tiger to survive in Alaska. And whether they'd be left alone and not persecuted or hounded as tourist attractions by humans.

Siberian tiger
Siberian tiger. Image: Britannica.

Around three quarters of Alaska is described as sub-Artic and therefore it lacks the habitat and prey animals required to sustain a Siberian tiger. If that is true, then the remaining quarter is acceptable in terms of supporting Siberian tigers and I'm sure that a quarter of Alaska is still a very large area!

One person who commented on this topic said that Siberian tigers have an enormous area in which to live i.e. Siberia, but that is not quite true because their numbers are precariously low at around 400 when I last checked and their distribution is fragmented and divided by the city of Vladivostok as I recall. 

So, I don't think there's a problem in Alaska in accommodating Siberian tigers in terms of size. It is just a question of sufficiently large prey animals and habitat being available to which the tiger could adapt. Of course, there would have to be an acceptance of the presence of an invasive species which is entirely different matter, a human matter and a human decision.

Also, Eskimos live in Alaska. They are the native people of Alaska and the state of Alaska allow them to kill Arctic animals such as polar bears, sea lions, seals, whales and walruses. The Siberian tiger would have to be added to that list.

Of course, the question as mentioned is theoretical because you wouldn't add Siberian tigers to Alaska because you would be adding an invasive species to that state and that is a very big no-no. Where there are invasive species, there is normally a big push by the authorities to get rid of them if they are doing damage and the term "invasive species" automatically implies damage to the ecosystem.

Think of feral cats in Australia. The authorities hate them and want to kill them all as fast as possible.

To return to the temperature, the Siberian tiger is well able to cope with very low temperatures because they are so big. Big animals are much more capable of dealing with low temperatures because their surface area to body mass ration is such that the animal is better able to retain body heat.


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