How do tigers recognise each other?

Tiger scent marking a tree. Scent is a way tigers recognise each other. Tigers do recognise each other and they probably achieve this by identifying other tigers by: appearance and scent (odour) sounds Appearance Each tiger has unique markings including the marking on the face. Human can identify tigers by their coat markings but we are unsure if tigers can do it. It seems reasonably plausible that they can. Scent Tiger scent mark like all cats wild and domestic. The scent sprayed on objects is as good as a calling card stating the name and address (in human terms). It is clear that tigers recognise other tigers by the scent that they deposit on objects. Also, the scent will be on tigers as it emanates from scent producing glands at various locations on their body as is the case for domestic cats. Scent glands for the domestic cat: Sounds Well, neither the internet (as a source of information) nor my excellent reference book state that tigers can recognise the sounds of other tigers su...